Kentucky Weather Resources

Below you will find links and information on the various weather resources available for you to use in order to be a better weather spotter and a safer community member!

  • Team W700’s Traffic Portal
    Is a portal containing hundreds of traffic cameras available for Kentucky and other states/regions. It is used by truck drivers and dispatchers and is also a valuable tool for citizens of Lexington to quickly view road conditions/traffic.
  • Team W700’s Outlook & Climatology Portal
    Is a portal displaying several SPC/NOAA/NWS images in one easy-to-view setting, making the viewing of critical data easier.
  • Team W700’s Chaser Resource Map
    This map displays best and worst areas for storm chasing. It includes viewpoints, hail shelters, turn-arounds, and other useful information to help keep you safe.
  • Kentucky Statewide VOST
    The KSIV for short is maintained by Team W700 and is a statewide initiative for streamlined storm reports.
  • Kentucky Roadway Weather Info System (RWIS)
    The RWIS allows you to view road temperatures, solar radiation, dewpoints, and other data related to the roadways in Kentucky. We recommend using this tool in the winter to determine road icyness, and in the spring/summer as an aid in understanding convection.
  • Pivotal Weather
    Is a collection of Model Data for the GFS, NAM, RAP and more! You can click an area to view the soundings and hodographs for specific time frames. This is useful in determining various aspects of the weather from winds, temps, pressures, precip, and also our main reason, tornado probability based on several factors.
  • Kentucky Mesonet
    Is a map of stations providing data sets such as temp, precipitation, humidity, dewpoint, and wind speed and direction.